

The Rise of Chinese folk acupressure technology and Health Maintenance(The Rise of CFATAHM.)




天地之間上為天是陽;下為地是陰,人為居中可說天滋地載。人有三寶為精、氣與神,神為陰陽之氣的合體,在中華民間養生調理保健中所談的三關九竅,在氣血運行通關通竅中,最常見的是阻塞,阻塞在明知之下是可預防的,然最怕的是在無知覺下所受的創傷,例如:久坐、久睡、久站、久行、久聽、久看、久言、久思、久淫或縱慾以及飽食,故在行動中切記不能過度。為身體健康養生之道在明明哲,中華民間養生調理保健需謹慎研究,方能生生不息。(郭榮睿,2023)。 2024.02

Chang Pu-Tao, the eminent traditional Chinese medicine master from Taiwan, once said: "We should seek peaceful coexistence with tumor cells, rather than striving to eradicate them completely. If one understands some common sense of traditional Chinese medicine, it can promote overall health and keep diseases at bay, preventing one from being misled and deceived due to ignorance (Hsieh, Fu-Te & Chiu, Chun-Yen, 2020). Traditional medicine in China encompasses traditional Chinese medicine, represented by the Huangdi Neijing, ethnic medicine rooted in minority cultures, and folk medicine spread across various regions (Wang, Chang-Qing, 2018).

Regarding Chinese folk medicine, the sages conducted research by used their own bodies as experiments and emphasize the causes of illnesses. When people from various social classes, including the poor and slaves, encountered contusions, epidemic infections, poisonings, or measles and other miscellaneous diseases, necessary survival knowledge included carrying essential emergency medicines and recognizing various plants in the wilderness. Additionally, they possessed the ability to quickly realign muscle and bone naturally within a short period.

In the process of Chinese folk acupressure technology and health maintenance (CFATAHM), it relies heavily on the accumulation of extensive experience, emphasizing the rapid recovery of symptoms and the use of medicines based on the prevailing condition at the time. Therefore, many dialectical methods cannot be written down in words, and to this day, most of the transmission only includes symptoms and prescription records. However, the development of CFATAHM has progressed to the point where early prevention and guidance can be implemented without medication, enabling the body to self-repair and maintain health. The general brief summary of CFATAHM is as follows.

Between heaven and earth, above is heaven, representing yang; below is earth, representing yin. Humans, as the center, can be said heaven nourishes below and the earth carries above. Humans possess three treasures: essence, energy (qi), and spirit (shen), with the spirit being the integration of yin and yang energies. In CFATAHM, when discussing the "three gates and nine apertures." In the circulation of qi and blood through these gates and apertures, blockages are most common. While blockages that are known can be prevented, the most feared are those that occur without awareness, such as prolonged sitting, sleeping, standing, walking, listening, watching, speaking, thinking, indulging in sex, or overeating. Therefore, it is essential to remember not to overdo activities. The path to maintaining bodily health is clear, but careful research is required in CFATAHM in order to grow and multiply without end (Kuo, Jung-Jui, 2023). 2024.02



謝福德、邱雋彥(2020)。緬懷台灣經方大師張步桃國醫及臨床思維體驗。台北市中醫醫學雜誌,26 (1),117-122。



Official Preventive Medicine and Health Maintenance acupressure in the Republic of China




參考一位不遵從服藥病人之照護文獻,照護期間除了提供醫師開立的止痛處方,尚有照會復健師示範並教導家屬推撫按摩技巧,文獻照護紀錄顯示,透過推撫按摩除了能撫平患者情緒還能減低患者疼痛指數(劉靜芳與陳芝文,2017)。 2024.02

The transformation of Taiwan's healthcare model began gradually moving away from medical institutions starting in 1985, marking a pivotal shift where healthcare was no longer confined to medical facilities. This change was prompted by the increasing phenomenon of population aging and the impending transition into a super-aged society. In response, the government implemented successive plans to integrate various healthcare professionals into home care teams, including Western medicine physicians, traditional Chinese medicine physicians, pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and other related medical personnel. The core philosophy behind this approach is to engage in preventive care, health maintenance, and continuous holistic healthcare, assisting individuals to receive comprehensive healthcare services in familiar environments (Chen, Pin-Shuan et al., 2022).

In a literature discussing nursing experiences with terminally ill cancer patients, it is mentioned that in addition to analgesics, providing guidance on acupoint massage, abdominal massage, and other comfort care measures during nursing can reduce nausea, alleviate abdominal distension, and relieve overall discomfort (Chen Hui- Hsuan et al., 2022).

In an article documenting the first involvement of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in home hospice care, it is mentioned that besides the analgesic treatment provided by Western medicine to alleviate patients' discomfort, TCM intervention, through Chinese herbal medicine and instructing family members on acupoint massage, can also alleviate patients' discomfort before their final moments (Su, Chuan-Hsien et al., 2015).

In a caregiving literature referencing a medication non-compliant patient, apart from providing prescribed pain relief medication, the caregiving process also involved consultation with a physiatrist who demonstrated and instructed family members on the use of stroking massage techniques. The caregiving records in the literature showed that through stroking massage, besides soothing the patient's emotions, it also reduced the patient's pain index (Liu, Ching-Fang & Chen, Chih-Wen, 2017). 2024.02

陳品璇、曾育慧、許中華(2022)。中醫居家醫療之現況與展望。 台灣公共衛生 雜誌, 41 (1),16-35。

陳慧萱、林岑薰、高綺吟(2022)。運用舒適理論於一位子宮內膜癌末期病人之 護理經驗。 腫瘤護理雜誌 , 2 2 (2),103-113。

舒傳賢、沈蘊之、陳建宏、鮑俊蓓、陳秀惠、許中華(2015)。中醫進入居家安 寧 照 護 的 案 例 經 驗 分 享 。 中 醫 內 科 醫 學 雜 誌 , 13 (2) , 74-81 。

劉靜芳、陳芝文(2017)。照顧一位乳癌骨轉移病人不遵從服藥之護理經驗。 榮總 護理, 34 (4),415-423。






.中華民國民俗調理業傳統整復推拿技術士證照 三月 2022


.脈衝脊骨神經矯治技術研習證書 一月 2021

.衛生福利部國民健康署預防及延緩失能協助員培訓證書 八月 2018






管理學系 碩士 專業主修:運動與健康促進管理 六月 2023


調理保健技術科 六月 2022


音樂系 主修聲樂 副修鋼琴 六月 2014

Hsiao Chun, Huang|Chinese Massage Coach for Health and Longevity|Third Generation Inheriting Chinese folk acupressure technology and Health Maintenance.(CFATAHM)

★Rapid Relief Chinese Massage with Keyboard-style Techniques

★Bone Caress Localization

★Muscle Archaeology


.Person in charge of

.Supervisor of Hsinchu Mental Health Association

.Member of New Taipei City Adjust the Joint Professional Union

.Hsinchu Zhuqian Community College Conditioning and health care lecturer

.Fo Guang University extension education center Conditioning and health care lecturer

.Hsinchu Mental Health Association Conditioning and health care lecturer


.Folk manipulative service-Traditional complex massage Technician Certification March 2022 ROC


.Activator Methods Chiropratic Technique certificate January 2021

.Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare Prevent or Delay Disability Assistant training certificate August 2018


.Fo Guang University|Yilan, ROC

Master of Management, major in Sports and Health Promotion Management June 2023

.Jen-Teh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management|Miaoli, ROC

Department of Acupressure Technology June 2022

.National Taiwan University of Arts|New Taipei City, ROC

Department of Music, Major in Vocal and Minor in Piano June 2014