

Derivation-style Conditioning – Chinese Painless Massage



運用無痛推拿配合中醫與西醫的處方紓緩疼痛痠麻輔助康復可謂「三人同心,其利斷金」。無痛推拿係在常溫下透過手技舒緩骨骼肌,藉由遠端骨骼肌帶動近端疼痛處之深層骨骼肌肌纖維,將其症狀逐漸紓解並自然帶動骨骼歸位的一個過程。無痛推拿並非在調理中不會有痛覺,而是能促使表皮層活化及協和內部組織完滿新陳代謝,嚴謹舒緩運作不順的骨骼肌進行精準調理,旋即防避山雨欲來之痛楚,使痛楚積裡漸裡消弭的一個過程。 2024.02

The characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine is the comprehensive grasp of the patient's overall bodily balance, mobilizing the patient's physiological functions to stimulate the body's own healing power, emphasizing the use of the body's repair mechanisms and resistance to combat disease (Guan, Cheng-Xue & Zhao, Zuo-Min, 2018). A study from an empirical perspective documented that massage therapy administered by trained nursing staff or family caregivers, following standardized safety assessments and massage protocols, is feasible, safe, and associated with positive benefits such as reducing physiological and psychological discomfort symptoms or enhancing immune function. Research has shown that massage therapy can improve the quality of clinical care (Jane, Sui-Whi et al., 2014).

However, in Chinese folk acupressure technology and health maintenance(CFATAHM) practices, there exists a form of derivation-style conditioning known as Chinese painless massage. Chinese Painless massage is a precise form of adjustment that gradually relieves discomfort or pain in the body, allowing the bones realign naturally to their position. While it is a general principle in health care that if there is pain, there is likely stagnation of QI (vital energy) or blood circulation, and conversely, if there isn’t stagnation, there should be an absence of pain. It doesn't necessarily mean that intense pain during conditioning indicates the body is obeying or relaxing, on the contrary, achieving relaxation doesn't always require experiencing pain. Chinese painless massage does not mean that there is an absence of sensation during conditioning. Instead, it involves gradually alleviating symptoms such as bodily pain or discomfort using manual techniques.

Utilizing Chinese painless massage in conjunction with prescriptions from both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to alleviate pain, soreness, numbness and assist in rehabilitation can be likened to " three people working together their sharpness can cut through metal. " Chinese painless massage involves using manual techniques at normal temperature to soothe the skeletal muscles. By engaging the distal skeletal muscles to drive the deep skeletal muscle fibers at the proximal pain point, gradually relieving symptoms and naturally realigning the bones. Chinese painless massage does not imply an absence of sensation during conditioning. Instead, it stimulates the activation of the epidermal layer and harmonizes the metabolism of internal tissues, rigorously soothing dysfunctional skeletal muscles through precise adjustments. This approach helps preempt and mitigate the onset of pain, gradually diminishing discomfort over time. 2024.02


簡淑慧、廖美南、李淑慧、林永昌(2014)。從實證觀點談「按摩處置」對於癌痛病人之成效。護理雜誌,61 (6),23-28。


推拿教練 Chinese Massage Coach

推拿師傅 vs. 推拿教練 = 聲樂老師 vs. 聲樂教練



在學習推拿的過程中你可能常常感到茫然、無助,有時難以掌握技巧。即使你已經完成了專業學程,獲得了相應的專業證照,仍然可能對指尖下的世界變化感到迷茫。你或許不確定應該從何處著手,以及在過程中到達什麼階段該停下手。若有一位經驗豐富的推拿教練在旁提點,這將使你的學習過程更加順遂。 2024.01

Chinese Massage Master vs. Chinese Massage Coach=Vocal Teacher vs. Vocal Coach

There are similarities between a Chinese Massage Master and Chinese Massage Coach, as well as between a Vocal Teacher and Vocal Coach. Let's start from the perspective of Vocal Teachers and Vocal Coaches in the field of music. The primary distinction lies in their professional functions and teaching focuses.

Vocal teachers mainly focus on instructing students in fundamental vocal techniques and establishing basic singing skills. The goal is to ensure that students possess a solid foundation in vocal techniques and can adapt to different musical styles. On the other hand, Vocal Coaches concentrate on the interpretation and performance aspects of songs. They provide real-time guidance to improve singing performance, ensuring that students can fully express their vocal skills to convey the emotions and stories within a song.

A Chinese Massage Master is similar to the role of a Vocal Teacher, possessing expertise in traditional Chinese massage techniques and extensive experience. They excel in various massage methods to promote health and well-being, primarily focusing on teaching the fundamental techniques of massage.

However, the term " Chinese Massage Coach" originates from the field of music, specifically from the role of a Vocal Coach. The professional functions and teaching focuses of a Chinese Massage Coach are similar to those of a Vocal Coach. Chinese Massage Coaches emphasize the practical application of massage techniques, guiding individuals to refine their massage skills. They emphasize qualities such as comprehension, fiber conformity, guidance, and the principles of natural return. By analyzing the massage process, Chinese Massage Coaches help learners enhance their performance and achievements, providing appropriate advice and technique adjustments based on different situations.

During the process of learning Chinese Massage, you may often feel confused, helpless, and at times struggle to grasp the techniques.Even if you have completed a professional program and obtained the corresponding certifications, you may still find yourself perplexed by the changes beneath your fingertips. You might be uncertain about where to begin and at what stage in the process you should pause. Having an experienced Chinese Massage Coach by your side to offer guidance can make your learning journey much smoother. 2024.01